Darren Green BSc, CFP®, RRC
Darren Green joined IG Wealth Management in 1989 and joined Chris and Lindsay to form Green Group Private Wealth Management in 2017. Upon transitioning out of his 35-year Financial Planning career, he supports the team by fostering client relationships. He continues to provide additional support to our clients through his tax preparation business.
Darren enjoys playing sports year-round, traveling with his wife and chasing his wonderful grandkids.
When he and his wife Karen moved from Toronto in the 1988, they were looking for a smaller community to raise their family and settled on Innisfil, just south of Barrie. They quickly became involved in volunteering, fundraising and coaching in the local sports associations.
In conjunction with IGWM Barrie, Darren built a successful fundraising program for Easter Seal, raising over $100,000 in 3 years. Other ventures Darren has helped support through IGWM include Hospice Newmarket, the Barrie and Newmarket Food Banks, and Christmas food baskets for underprivileged local families.
Darren and Karen have travelled the world over the past 35 years plus of marriage. Avid cruisers, their preferred cruise-line is Celebrity, and they have made many friends and acquaintances with people from all over the world.